Pie Life Rewards is our guest loyalty program that rewards points for every purchase and unlocks exclusive rewards, deals and promotions available only to members!
The best way to get started is to download the Pieology Pie Life Rewards app from the App Store or Google Play and create an account. The Pie Life Rewards app is available exclusively for iOS or Android operating systems and allows you to order ahead, earn points towards rewards and receive special members only offers and promotions too.
You can also sign up on pieology.com
On March 16th, 2021 Pieology changed Pie Life Rewards to better serve the individuality of our guests. We began to offer rewards starting at 25 points and continuing through 150 points (You can see the rewards structure here). We converted all existing rewards back into points to provide you the ability to choose any of our new rewards. If you have a questions please feel free to reach out to contact us.
For every $1 spent on qualifying purchases you’ll earn 1 point. As you accumulate points, you will unlock different rewards that you can then redeem. Points expire after 365 days of accrual. *See how to earn points in our terms and conditions for full details https://pieology.com/pie-life-rewards/terms-and-conditions/
Pie Life Rewards is available in almost all Pieology locations. For the latest store hours and menu offerings, check your favorite location within the Pie Life Rewards app. Pie Life Rewards may be unavailable at non-traditional restaurants such as campus, airport, or kiosk locations, etc. Contact your local restaurant for details.
Please check your receipt, if you received one, for a code that will allow you to apply points to your new or existing account.
Otherwise, please Contact Us within 72 hours of your purchase with a proof of purchase, your full name and the email address that you registered when you set up your Pie Life Rewards and we will review your credit request.